August 2017
Orkney Agricultural Society County Show - 12th August 2017

Hools Major High & Rider Layla – 2nd Lead Rein, 3rd Young Handler.
Hools Janet 4yr old Yeld Mare – 2nd.
Hools Eudora 3yr old Filly – 2nd.
Hools Miss Jutland Yearling Filly – Reserve Cup for Best 1 or 2yr old, 1st Yearling.
Hools Rising High 7yr old Stallion – 2nd.
Cup for Best Pairs & Reserve Best Group of 3.
Thank you to a team of helpers, Hannah, Orla & Mum.
The East Mainland Agricultural Society Show - 5th August 2017
Hools Miss Jutland, Yearling Filly shown by Orla Tait was 1st place yearling, Junior Champion, Standard Champion & Overall Shetland Champion.
Hools Major High – Gelding – 2nd
Hools Eastern Rose – Yeld Mare – 2nd
Wells Perrier – Mare with Foal – 1st
Hools Royal Promise – Foal -1st & Champion Foal
Hools Major High with rider Layla – Lead Rein Champion.
Thank you to Orla for all her work over the last few years.
Thanks to Hannah, Mandy and Mum for their help on the day and Carly Brodie Photography for the pics.

July 2017
The Sutherland County Agricultural Show - 22nd July 2017 - Judge - Miss S Dunnet
Hools Janet 1st Yeld Mare, Reserve Standard Champion, Reserve Supreme Champion
Hools Eudora 2nd 2/3yr old Filly

Caithness Agricultural Society County Show - 15th July 2017 - Judge - Mr D Macarthur

A soaking wet day at the 176th Caithness Show; 4yr old Mare Hools Janet was 1st placed in the Yeld Class and went to be Overall Champion.
Hools Eudora was 1st placed 2/3yr old Filly and went on to become Junior Champion.
Thanks Barbara & Alan for the B&B, Brain for the Stables and to Northlink Ferries for their continued support with travel.
June 2017
Royal Highland Show, Ingliston - 22-25 June 2017 - Judge Mr K Scott
Reserve Overall Shetland Champion & Champion Male 7yr old homebred Stallion Hools Rising High. Sired by 5 times RHS Champion Wells Highlight II and out of Wells Fyona. The Stallion belt he is wearing was last used in the 1960s & 70s by my Grandmother Ivy Cromarty when she showed stallions at the Orkney Shows.
Hools Rising High also competd in the HOYS M&M Ridden Pony Qualifier on the Sunday.
4yr old Mare Hools Janet was 2nd in a large yeld mare class.
3yr old Filly Hools Eudora was 5th in the 2/3 yr old class.
Big thank you to NorthLink Ferries for their sponsorship and to Hannah and Toots for their help.

Orkney Carriage Driving Group Fun Summer Show - Sunday 11 June 2017
Our first outing with 7yr old gelding Hools Major High, pictured right in the Cart. He was well behaved and was placed 3rd in the Driven Showning Class. Hools Voyager is pictured left with my Aunt, Toots Cromarty

March 2017
Orkney Riding Club Winter Woollies Show – 19th March 2017

A proud and emotional day to have my first homebred Shetland Stallion Hools Rising High out under saddle and my favourite Dartmoor Pricklegate Buzz. Hannah King you were my rock today in so many ways! Small M&M In hand 2nd Pricklegate Buzzard, 3rd Hools Rising High. Small M&M Ridden 2nd Hools Rising High and 3rd Best Orkney Bred Pony.
Thank you so much Orkney Ridingclub and Caroline Foulis for this very special to be treasured photo.
Orkney Carriage Driving Group Show - 12th March 2017
A few Hools Ponies forward at the show today! Thanks to Mandy for letting Layla borrow Legacy for the Young Handlers.
Class 1 Shetland Pony:
1st Hools Rising High – Hools Shetland Pony Stud
2nd Hools Voyager – Toots Cromarty
3rd Hools Legacy – Mandy Cromarty
Class 2 Young Stock (3 years and under):
1st Hools Eudora -Hools Shetland Pony Stud
Class 5 Driving Type
2nd Hools Voyager – Toots Cromarty
Class 7 Young Handlers
4th Layla Kirkness & Hools Legacy
Class 9 Cones
4th Hools Voyager – Toots Cromarty
Reserve Overall Champion: Hools Eudora